Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Unknown – Freighter

Wave Shape

Unknown – Freighter

This is one of many unidentified wrecks and is not far out of Dover and we will continue to try and identify her.

Diving: Lying on an undulating shingle seabed with a max depth of 34m this wreck is broken into at least 3 parts.

The bow is broken off and pointing to the surface, there is another section on its side just next to this and then the main section which is lying a lot less proud but with the top at about 30m.

I have shown it as inverted but it’s a long time since I dived this and it may be upright but very clean, it is however quite clean of obstructions and there is a long clear area inside, however beware the bottom inside is quite silty. I cannot remember how clear the far end is, so be very careful if looking to penetrate into this wreck, having landed the shot by the entrance to the main section we covered the area to the bow and back before moving onto this area and did not cover it as well as I would have liked, we did however have room for 2 dives to enter the main section and swim side by side for most of her length, turning around before getting to the end due to air constraints.

This wreck site is quite inshore and can have some poor viz.

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