The Loanda was a 2702-ton, 253hp triple-expansion engines steamer, measuring 328ft x 39ft, built in 1891. The ship was travelling from Hamburg to West Africa, for the Elder Dempster Line, when she collided with the Russian steamer Junona.The cargo was hundreds of cases of gin, rum, champagne and barrels of gunpowder. She was badly damaged on port side near engine room, an attempt was made to save her but she sank under tow on the 31 May, 1908 .
Diving: Upright and 5m proud at a depth of 17-23m, the top is generally at 18m and if you drop into the holds you will be at 20m or so. Slack can be early so get to the site in plenty of time. Sweeping and collision damage have exposed the engines. The bell has been recovered. Bottles everywhere, but contents undrinkable. Lots of clay pipes/perfume bottles and trading beads, Prop intact. Tales of thousands of newly minted shillings being carried by the Loanda are not borne out by the manifest.
Lots of Lobsters, Edible Crab and Conga’s.