Wave Shape
Wave Shape

El de Bayo

Wave Shape

El de Bayo

Formally the Urania (that’s what the bell says) this 2058 Ton Steel Steamship built in 1896 by Craig Taylor & Co of Stockton was sailing from Huelva to Rotterdam with a cargo of Iron Ore when she was struck near the engine room by the Liner SS Westmorland in dense fog off the South Goodwin’s on the 12 May 1911. She was so badly damaged she soon filled up and sank in 2 minuets. The Captain and 4 hands being sucked down with her and drowned.

Diving: This is a big and intact wreck with the bulk from the bow back to the break from the collision upright and intact standing 6m proud in a general depth of 38m dropping to 41m in the scour by the bow. The decks are at 32m and very clean of obstructions with the open holds and several masts and spars lying across and off the decks. The forward hold is quite empty and the bow is broken off allowing you to swim out of here and look down at the broken up bow section. There is a hole in the chalk seabed where the bow would have struck it. The rear of the main section has a bulkhead intact giving it a very square break profile, you can follow the debris including the prop shafts back to the broken off stern section which would be a reasonable dive on its own.

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